What does E-A-T means and Why is it Significant to Google?

To unlock the quality of search results, Google comes with an update “E-A-T”. Delivering authentic, trustable, and original content to the users is a prior responsibility of every website. To certify such information, E-A-T is designed with powerful features and strategies that are going to evaluate and decide whether it is useful to display or not in the SERPs.

RiyaDecember 28, 2022 & 17:34 [IST]

E-A-T google update

E-A-T is a prominent Google guideline derived for ensuring content quality and how it practically benefits the readers. 

E-A-T brief as Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness 

Holds an important part in the Google algorithm, so don't allow your mind to think about “eat” in food cravings. 

Well, jokes are apart! Let's move on to the hot topic of 2018 E-A-T introduced for governing the quality and search results of search engine. 

This update has been obviously known by the SEO professionals who require to set their skills and knowledge as per the advancement. 

In this article, we’ll discuss in detail about E-A-T and why it needs content ranking in Google. 

Here the surprising facts were broken one-by-one continue reading: 

What is E-A-T?

E-A-T is one of the powerful Google guidelines enclosed with the objective of evaluating the quality of the search engine’s content. 

It expects that the content should be standard, original, and trustworthy to the readers. With some authentic guidelines, it decides whether the content of a website is qualified enough or not to rank well in the search engine. 

E-A-T’s first version occurred in 2014 when Google set a concept to evaluate the search quality guidelines. 

It deeply determines in the following manner: 

  • How much expertise does the author of the content have? 

  • The authoritativeness of the content, stuffed info, and website

  • The trustworthiness of the content, stuffed info, and website

In simple words, E-A-T is introduced for the visitors to get high-quality search results. 

Is E-A-T Helps Rank the Content in Google?

No, E-A-T has none technical connection with the search engine ranking sector. The working principle will determine the quality of search results for assisting the users in a useful way. 

Many people go with a false understanding whereas the actual intention of E-A-T differs. It’s time to clear the doubts, the guideline is only about the verification of quality results, not any interconnection with Google’s ranking factor. 

How E-A-T Relates to SEO?

We know that content occupies a huge space in SEO ranking. People are saying “content is king” and it requires to be rich-in quality for exactly benefitting the users. 

Here I want an answer honestly: Do you find every content roaming on Google is unique, trustable, and SEO-friendly? 

Stuffed images and rewritten info are not the original quality of content. Now, Google is expecting something different and effective from the authors to let users out with genuine information. 

Probably, E-A-T guidelines are established with the motive of allowing humans to understand the actual purpose of writing content and what Google exactly wants from them

By following with Google algorithm, the content should be written in the manner such as: 

  • Assisting the visiting users 

  • Requires to be published on authentic sites

  • Info should be original and trustworthy

  • Enable frequent updates 

  • Written by an expert

For delivering user-friendly content, it is recommended to get from experts who have brilliant written skills and SEO knowledge for satisfying the exact Google needs. 

Steps to Improve your Website E-A-T

Delivering quality content are the real content writers whose regular updates cent percent suits users’ expectations. 

Next to the quality writing, there are some extra spices needed to satisfy the E-A-T guidelines, and those are mentioned in the following lines:

1. Write People-Friendly Content

The content on the website should be high-in quality and useful to the readers. It means content provides reading satisfaction, answering the questions, and engages readers without being boring. 

The Google update will look for:

  • Original content 

  • User-written content

  • Helpful info

Regular audits with top-notch research are mandatory which allows your website to be useful to the readers. They don’t benefit from the same content all the time, the changes are required a few days or months at a time. Most importantly, user-generated content is more welcomed by users than AI tools and also be considered for SERPs. 

2. Author Transparency

It is essential to tell users who you are. In addition, Google wants to know about the author who is writing a piece of content by following estimated search quality results. 

Ensure your website separately has an author page to tell a few words about him or her, their nature of writing, expertise in what field, and work credentials. 

This is just a way of creating recognition and trust in front of the readers about your work and website.

3. Make Use of Authentic Resources

Being a content writer it’s best to refer to and get valid points from reliable resources. 

We can’t say that all the information is helpful to the readers as you could definitely think from the people’s perspective to make your move accordingly. So, prefer official websites, research papers, studies, professional guides, etc. 

Focusing on content quality is fine but ensure how the sources are eligible enough to write. 

4. Clear Written of Content Purpose

What does your content mean? 

Are you giving a review, answering questions, info, or explanation? 

There are tons of features that you could think of before you start writing. 

Give headings, subheadings, title tags, and meta descriptions as exactly mention your perspective that is what the E-A-T expects from you. 

Don’t give any confused or unwanted lines in your description, just give the concept in a straightforward manner.

5. Provide Regular Update

Our writing should assist the users even after years and years. Assume if you write a single piece of information that helps the readers one or two times is simply a waste of effort. Do you agree with that? 

To constantly benefit the readers, we need to update it periodically by looking at the user’s needs. It may be any field, this is a way to hold your potential readers tightly. 

6. Put your Eye on Online Reputation

Leaving negative comments on social media terribly affects your trustworthiness and online reputation. 

Always follow your customers and revert them back in a positive and professional manner to interact genuinely. Do possibilities to encourage them to leave positive replies that pave the way for improving sales and profit rates. 

7. Generate Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are powerful to generate traffic to the desired website. But it matters how authentic the choosing websites are. Earn backlinks from sites that are good in Google ranking and users' reputation. 

Similarly, users will click on a site recommended by the trustable one so think about how far your backlinks should be qualified. 


Discover must-follow Google guidelines and do require changes in your content and website. Using this written article, you may come to the conclusion and understand how important the E-A-T algorithm needs to be focused. 

Write the content purposefully and enable users to stay with you for the long run.

E-A-T is a prominent Google guideline derived for ensuring content quality and how it practically benefits the readers. 

E-A-T brief as Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness 

Holds an important part in the Google algorithm, so don't allow your mind to think about “eat” in food cravings. 

Well, jokes are apart! Let's move on to the hot topic of 2018 E-A-T introduced for governing the quality and search results of search engine. 

This update has been obviously known by the SEO professionals who require to set their skills and knowledge as per the advancement. 

In this article, we’ll discuss in detail about E-A-T and why it needs content ranking in Google. 

Here the surprising facts were broken one-by-one continue reading: 

What is E-A-T?

E-A-T is one of the powerful Google guidelines enclosed with the objective of evaluating the quality of the search engine’s content. 

It expects that the content should be standard, original, and trustworthy to the readers. With some authentic guidelines, it decides whether the content of a website is qualified enough or not to rank well in the search engine. 

E-A-T’s first version occurred in 2014 when Google set a concept to evaluate the search quality guidelines. 

It deeply determines in the following manner: 

  • How much expertise does the author of the content have? 

  • The authoritativeness of the content, stuffed info, and website

  • The trustworthiness of the content, stuffed info, and website

In simple words, E-A-T is introduced for the visitors to get high-quality search results. 

Is E-A-T Helps Rank the Content in Google?

No, E-A-T has none technical connection with the search engine ranking sector. The working principle will determine the quality of search results for assisting the users in a useful way. 

Many people go with a false understanding whereas the actual intention of E-A-T differs. It’s time to clear the doubts, the guideline is only about the verification of quality results, not any interconnection with Google’s ranking factor. 

How E-A-T Relates to SEO?

We know that content occupies a huge space in SEO ranking. People are saying “content is king” and it requires to be rich-in quality for exactly benefitting the users. 

Here I want an answer honestly: Do you find every content roaming on Google is unique, trustable, and SEO-friendly? 

Stuffed images and rewritten info are not the original quality of content. Now, Google is expecting something different and effective from the authors to let users out with genuine information. 

Probably, E-A-T guidelines are established with the motive of allowing humans to understand the actual purpose of writing content and what Google exactly wants from them

By following with Google algorithm, the content should be written in the manner such as: 

  • Assisting the visiting users 

  • Requires to be published on authentic sites

  • Info should be original and trustworthy

  • Enable frequent updates 

  • Written by an expert

For delivering user-friendly content, it is recommended to get from experts who have brilliant written skills and SEO knowledge for satisfying the exact Google needs. 

Steps to Improve your Website E-A-T

Delivering quality content are the real content writers whose regular updates cent percent suits users’ expectations. 

Next to the quality writing, there are some extra spices needed to satisfy the E-A-T guidelines, and those are mentioned in the following lines:

1. Write People-Friendly Content

The content on the website should be high-in quality and useful to the readers. It means content provides reading satisfaction, answering the questions, and engages readers without being boring. 

The Google update will look for:

  • Original content 

  • User-written content

  • Helpful info

Regular audits with top-notch research are mandatory which allows your website to be useful to the readers. They don’t benefit from the same content all the time, the changes are required a few days or months at a time. Most importantly, user-generated content is more welcomed by users than AI tools and also be considered for SERPs. 

2. Author Transparency

It is essential to tell users who you are. In addition, Google wants to know about the author who is writing a piece of content by following estimated search quality results. 

Ensure your website separately has an author page to tell a few words about him or her, their nature of writing, expertise in what field, and work credentials. 

This is just a way of creating recognition and trust in front of the readers about your work and website.

3. Make Use of Authentic Resources

Being a content writer it’s best to refer to and get valid points from reliable resources. 

We can’t say that all the information is helpful to the readers as you could definitely think from the people’s perspective to make your move accordingly. So, prefer official websites, research papers, studies, professional guides, etc. 

Focusing on content quality is fine but ensure how the sources are eligible enough to write. 

4. Clear Written of Content Purpose

What does your content mean? 

Are you giving a review, answering questions, info, or explanation? 

There are tons of features that you could think of before you start writing. 

Give headings, subheadings, title tags, and meta descriptions as exactly mention your perspective that is what the E-A-T expects from you. 

Don’t give any confused or unwanted lines in your description, just give the concept in a straightforward manner.

5. Provide Regular Update

Our writing should assist the users even after years and years. Assume if you write a single piece of information that helps the readers one or two times is simply a waste of effort. Do you agree with that? 

To constantly benefit the readers, we need to update it periodically by looking at the user’s needs. It may be any field, this is a way to hold your potential readers tightly. 

6. Put your Eye on Online Reputation

Leaving negative comments on social media terribly affects your trustworthiness and online reputation. 

Always follow your customers and revert them back in a positive and professional manner to interact genuinely. Do possibilities to encourage them to leave positive replies that pave the way for improving sales and profit rates. 

7. Generate Quality Backlinks

Backlinks are powerful to generate traffic to the desired website. But it matters how authentic the choosing websites are. Earn backlinks from sites that are good in Google ranking and users' reputation. 

Similarly, users will click on a site recommended by the trustable one so think about how far your backlinks should be qualified. 


Discover must-follow Google guidelines and do require changes in your content and website. Using this written article, you may come to the conclusion and understand how important the E-A-T algorithm needs to be focused. 

Write the content purposefully and enable users to stay with you for the long run.

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