Improving First Input Delay (FID) for Better Page Experience

First impressions matter, especially when it comes to browsing websites or using apps. Delays in page responsiveness can be frustrating and hinder user experience.

KathyDecember 19, 2023 & 14:10 [IST]

First Input Delay (FID)

So it is crucial to optimize First Input Delay (FID) to ensure a seamless browsing experience. In this blog, we will explore what FID is, how it is measured, and strategies to improve it.

What is First Input Delay (FID)?

First Input Delay is a web API that measures the time it takes for a website to respond after a user interacts with it. It captures the delay in processing data and interactions, not the actual time it takes to process that data. FID is an essential metric in the overall Page Experience. Each URL on a website is independently scored based on the FID experienced by actual users.

Measuring FID

To accurately measure FID, we need real-world user interactions. This can be done through user measurements obtained from analytics or Core Web Vitals Report section of the Search Console. The Search Console provides valuable insights into your website's performance, including FID scores. You can also use PageSpeed Insights to check how your pages are performing in a test environment.

Interpreting FID Scores

FID scores are used as guides to evaluate relative performance differences between URLs. A good goal is to have about 75% of your site's visitors experience a FID of less than 100 milliseconds. Any delay in the range of 100 to 300 milliseconds is starting to become problematic. Delays beyond 300 milliseconds impact user experience negatively.

Identifying FID Issues

If you are experiencing FID issues, it is crucial to analyze your website's JavaScript usage. JavaScript is often the culprit behind delays, as it runs on the same thread and can block other actions on the page. To fix this issue, consider code splitting, which involves dividing your code into smaller chunks to prevent blocking. Code splitting can be implemented using async or defer attributes on the script tag, allowing non-essential code to load without blocking the page rendering.

Optimizing FID

There are several strategies you can use to optimize FID:

  • Reduce the size of JavaScript: Large JavaScript files (>200KB) can impact FID. Consider code splitting and loading essential code asynchronously to improve performance.

  • Review and remove unnecessary code: Accidental inclusion of polyfills or outdated workarounds can slow down your website. Regularly review your codebase and remove any redundant code.

  • Track elements with delayed interactions: Monitor the elements on your page that contribute to higher FID scores. By identifying these elements, you can investigate the associated code and optimize it accordingly.

  • Break up long tasks: Long tasks (>50 milliseconds) can cause delays. Use the PerformanceObserver API to programmatically access long tasks and break them into smaller asynchronous functions.


First Input Delay is a critical metric in measuring page experience. By optimizing FID, you can enhance user satisfaction and ensure a smooth browsing experience. By reducing JavaScript size, removing unnecessary code, tracking delayed elements, and breaking up long tasks, you can improve FID scores. Better FID scores provide a seamless user experience.

So it is crucial to optimize First Input Delay (FID) to ensure a seamless browsing experience. In this blog, we will explore what FID is, how it is measured, and strategies to improve it.

What is First Input Delay (FID)?

First Input Delay is a web API that measures the time it takes for a website to respond after a user interacts with it. It captures the delay in processing data and interactions, not the actual time it takes to process that data. FID is an essential metric in the overall Page Experience. Each URL on a website is independently scored based on the FID experienced by actual users.

Measuring FID

To accurately measure FID, we need real-world user interactions. This can be done through user measurements obtained from analytics or Core Web Vitals Report section of the Search Console. The Search Console provides valuable insights into your website's performance, including FID scores. You can also use PageSpeed Insights to check how your pages are performing in a test environment.

Interpreting FID Scores

FID scores are used as guides to evaluate relative performance differences between URLs. A good goal is to have about 75% of your site's visitors experience a FID of less than 100 milliseconds. Any delay in the range of 100 to 300 milliseconds is starting to become problematic. Delays beyond 300 milliseconds impact user experience negatively.

Identifying FID Issues

If you are experiencing FID issues, it is crucial to analyze your website's JavaScript usage. JavaScript is often the culprit behind delays, as it runs on the same thread and can block other actions on the page. To fix this issue, consider code splitting, which involves dividing your code into smaller chunks to prevent blocking. Code splitting can be implemented using async or defer attributes on the script tag, allowing non-essential code to load without blocking the page rendering.

Optimizing FID

There are several strategies you can use to optimize FID:

  • Reduce the size of JavaScript: Large JavaScript files (>200KB) can impact FID. Consider code splitting and loading essential code asynchronously to improve performance.

  • Review and remove unnecessary code: Accidental inclusion of polyfills or outdated workarounds can slow down your website. Regularly review your codebase and remove any redundant code.

  • Track elements with delayed interactions: Monitor the elements on your page that contribute to higher FID scores. By identifying these elements, you can investigate the associated code and optimize it accordingly.

  • Break up long tasks: Long tasks (>50 milliseconds) can cause delays. Use the PerformanceObserver API to programmatically access long tasks and break them into smaller asynchronous functions.


First Input Delay is a critical metric in measuring page experience. By optimizing FID, you can enhance user satisfaction and ensure a smooth browsing experience. By reducing JavaScript size, removing unnecessary code, tracking delayed elements, and breaking up long tasks, you can improve FID scores. Better FID scores provide a seamless user experience.

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