How to Write SEO-Friendly Meta Descriptions?

How the content will be completed without some powerful lines of Meta description? It maybe a home page or contact us page, there is a rule to add meta description which is a summary of your page. According to Google, there is a certain word limit for description that we shouldn’t exceed. In this article, we have discussed everything in a detail that guide you well.

MiaFebruary 20, 2023 & 18:00 [IST]

how to meta description

A Meta description is a magical tag boost your website appearance in Google results. There are comprehensive range of elements to entice potential audience to click your link but this is somewhat powerful and essential.

Of course, customers or users are foremost priority in business success simultaneously we have responsibility to meet the search engine guidelines. Among the list of all, descriptions are mandatory to visible your products world-wide.

"Using description tags, Google start telling the users about your website and let them visit. So far, this is a loop to advertise in the search engine"

In this article, you’ll see the importance of Meta description and how prominent role it plays in SEO ranking.

What is a Meta Description?

The term “Meta” defines the HTML tag and Metadata or Meta Description is a piece of information about something in a short manner.

Interestingly, Metadata is a purpose of search engine and won’t appear directly in your webpage. To create the curiosity of users, Google set to display your description tag in below the Meta title in search engine results.

It helps people easily understand that you are the perfect site for their search query and start click. This is a common strategy for website, blogging, Ecommmerce or anything. This is a critical SEO factor comes in On-page category and have a great influence in CTR (click-through rate).

Examples of Metadata

Meta descriptions are a maximum of 155 characters long that says overall summary of a webpage. Remember, it may lengths short but those words are Golden words helps users to understand your motive clearly.

Herewith, I have given you an example of metadata in HTML tag.

In Code Page:

This is a way that the description added in WordPress site:


<meta name=”description” content=”This is an example for the creation of metadata that displays below the meta title for easy understanding of your webpage concept.”>



On search engine result page, meta description will be displayed like here:

Importance of Mobile Optimization | Step-by-Step Guide to Do Mobile SEO

Mobile optimization ensures the visitors that your website is fast and curious enough to load. For sure, it keeps them comfortable while accessing.

Unlike other updates, we don’t need regular update in description which is completely depends upon the search query of users. In case, if we witness the change in people’s expectations, then do the essential practices.

Why Meta Description is Essential for SEO?

An effective meta description is a pillar for good reach. It greatly assist the users to value your services and makes them to use of it.

For any website, we have a goal to convince the audience to access your website or to buy your products. Isn’t it?

To earn more clicks, you will be effective in cases especially while writing and publish your page description. Though metadata is not directly influence your SEO ranking factor that encourages your site for organic traffic.

Herewith, the descriptions to help you:

  • Support for brand exposure
  • Elevates CTR
  • Showcase your brand more effectively than your competitors
  • Improve organic traffic and SEO ranking

How to Write an Influencing Meta Description?

Unlike content, we can’t fill the words in these 155 characters. There are certain things that needs to be add without fail whereas the guidelines are given below:

1. Take a Note of Length of Description

Descriptions are writing for users and Google, so it needs be short, convincing, and easily understandable. The length of data is limited that shouldn’t extend 160 characters on desktop and 120 on mobile devices.

If the description is too lengthy Google will cut down the extra terms and display until 160 characters. Then understand, your user can’t read the descriptions fully and chance to move on to the competitors site.  This is an overall summary of your webpage or content, however spend some time and write on the user’s perspective.

2. Put a Focus Keyword Inside

For a rapid reach, inserting the target keyword inside your description is outstanding. As we have seen below, it won’t involve in SEO factor directly but it is important to consider.

By using the relevant words or phrases, we can target our potential customers and convince them efficiently to contact us. Here, you have a responsibility to look at the high-demand search query and Google terms for desired results.

3. Create Unique Data

Unique identity is important for every page. When coming to the description or content creation, it should be ideal and unique as much for Google recognition. Just stay away from rewriting or duplication that leads to penalty and let ranking down.

If you want to look and stand out from the competitors, ideal creation matters more. In that 16 characters, décor your own idea. Using a main keyword, write the data that exactly meet the users demand and expectations.

4. Frame Descriptions in Active Voice & Add Clear CTA

Descriptions are supposed to written in an active voice that allow users to understand easily. Here is an example of active and passive voice:

For a chance, I’ll remind our childhood example:

Active Voice: Open the Door

Passive Voice: Let the Door be Opened

Final Thoughts

With this article, you may know the significance of Meta description in SEO ranking. You have a comprehensive range of factors to focus for improving the visibility and sales rate. Read the article till end to how to create descriptions that immediately allow Google recognizes you. Just compare your strategies with competitors and do one step ahead.

A Meta description is a magical tag boost your website appearance in Google results. There are comprehensive range of elements to entice potential audience to click your link but this is somewhat powerful and essential.

Of course, customers or users are foremost priority in business success simultaneously we have responsibility to meet the search engine guidelines. Among the list of all, descriptions are mandatory to visible your products world-wide.

"Using description tags, Google start telling the users about your website and let them visit. So far, this is a loop to advertise in the search engine"

In this article, you’ll see the importance of Meta description and how prominent role it plays in SEO ranking.

What is a Meta Description?

The term “Meta” defines the HTML tag and Metadata or Meta Description is a piece of information about something in a short manner.

Interestingly, Metadata is a purpose of search engine and won’t appear directly in your webpage. To create the curiosity of users, Google set to display your description tag in below the Meta title in search engine results.

It helps people easily understand that you are the perfect site for their search query and start click. This is a common strategy for website, blogging, Ecommmerce or anything. This is a critical SEO factor comes in On-page category and have a great influence in CTR (click-through rate).

Examples of Metadata

Meta descriptions are a maximum of 155 characters long that says overall summary of a webpage. Remember, it may lengths short but those words are Golden words helps users to understand your motive clearly.

Herewith, I have given you an example of metadata in HTML tag.

In Code Page:

This is a way that the description added in WordPress site:


<meta name=”description” content=”This is an example for the creation of metadata that displays below the meta title for easy understanding of your webpage concept.”>



On search engine result page, meta description will be displayed like here:

Importance of Mobile Optimization | Step-by-Step Guide to Do Mobile SEO

Mobile optimization ensures the visitors that your website is fast and curious enough to load. For sure, it keeps them comfortable while accessing.

Unlike other updates, we don’t need regular update in description which is completely depends upon the search query of users. In case, if we witness the change in people’s expectations, then do the essential practices.

Why Meta Description is Essential for SEO?

An effective meta description is a pillar for good reach. It greatly assist the users to value your services and makes them to use of it.

For any website, we have a goal to convince the audience to access your website or to buy your products. Isn’t it?

To earn more clicks, you will be effective in cases especially while writing and publish your page description. Though metadata is not directly influence your SEO ranking factor that encourages your site for organic traffic.

Herewith, the descriptions to help you:

  • Support for brand exposure
  • Elevates CTR
  • Showcase your brand more effectively than your competitors
  • Improve organic traffic and SEO ranking

How to Write an Influencing Meta Description?

Unlike content, we can’t fill the words in these 155 characters. There are certain things that needs to be add without fail whereas the guidelines are given below:

1. Take a Note of Length of Description

Descriptions are writing for users and Google, so it needs be short, convincing, and easily understandable. The length of data is limited that shouldn’t extend 160 characters on desktop and 120 on mobile devices.

If the description is too lengthy Google will cut down the extra terms and display until 160 characters. Then understand, your user can’t read the descriptions fully and chance to move on to the competitors site.  This is an overall summary of your webpage or content, however spend some time and write on the user’s perspective.

2. Put a Focus Keyword Inside

For a rapid reach, inserting the target keyword inside your description is outstanding. As we have seen below, it won’t involve in SEO factor directly but it is important to consider.

By using the relevant words or phrases, we can target our potential customers and convince them efficiently to contact us. Here, you have a responsibility to look at the high-demand search query and Google terms for desired results.

3. Create Unique Data

Unique identity is important for every page. When coming to the description or content creation, it should be ideal and unique as much for Google recognition. Just stay away from rewriting or duplication that leads to penalty and let ranking down.

If you want to look and stand out from the competitors, ideal creation matters more. In that 16 characters, décor your own idea. Using a main keyword, write the data that exactly meet the users demand and expectations.

4. Frame Descriptions in Active Voice & Add Clear CTA

Descriptions are supposed to written in an active voice that allow users to understand easily. Here is an example of active and passive voice:

For a chance, I’ll remind our childhood example:

Active Voice: Open the Door

Passive Voice: Let the Door be Opened

Final Thoughts

With this article, you may know the significance of Meta description in SEO ranking. You have a comprehensive range of factors to focus for improving the visibility and sales rate. Read the article till end to how to create descriptions that immediately allow Google recognizes you. Just compare your strategies with competitors and do one step ahead.

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