YouTube Metrics to Track in 2023

YouTube marketing is increasingly in demand helps drive even the global remote traffic with awesome support. The small or large-level business is secondary, it is pretty important how efficiently you are impressing your potential audience. Don’t under the opinion, once the traffic is attained we never goes down. SEO is like an ocean, we have tons of parameters to experience, so keep up with trend and stay active.

AnisaApril 14, 2023 & 14:00 [IST]

YouTube Metrics to Track in 2023

YouTube is more than 15 years old and from that year, it is constantly increasing and getting more and more audience. It’s a no brainer that creating a great YouTube channel takes a lot of work, whether you're doing it for your company or clients or for yourself.

One of the most crucial elements of expanding a channel, other from planning, producing, and editing new videos, is keeping up with YouTube metrics and statistics. This article is divided into 3 metrics under which there are few metrics to understand.

Channel Metric

It gives a high-level overview of the popularity and the growth of your client's YouTube account. Here are the metrics to pay attention to-


Subscribers are the most important thing a person should focus on. Subscriber means everything. A video is eventually successful if it raises your subscriber count. Additionally, a higher subscriber count increases the views, content and engagement for long term if they are actually interested in your videos.

Popular Videos

In order to analyze which content or video is helpful for your channel you need to identify the top 5 videos. This will help you to understand what kind of content you have to post on YouTube, what your audience is engaging to.  You should aim for as many views, comments, and likes as possible for your client's video.

Reach Metrics

Reach is also an important factor when taking your videos into consideration. Let’s look at what reach metrics offer.


Views are important for your videos. You know that you are at the right path when you see the views of your videos are increasing. If they are not increasing the way they could, then you need to re-think on your marketing strategy, your YouTube content and quality of your videos.

Traffic Sources

One should know that from where the traffic is coming in their videos. It helps you to identify that if they are coming from YouTube Search, Playlists, Browsing or suggested video.

You can target the growth areas. Suppose if your video is found by the user by search then you should know the reason why it’s not been found from suggestions for upper ranking etc.

Audience Retention

The percentage of people who watch your video till the very end is audience retention rate. The retention rate of the audience should be high.

Because the videos are so good at grabbing viewers attention, YouTube promotes them in search rankings and suggestion lists. Your future video idea can benefit by understanding the audience retention. The most interesting section of your video which grabbed attention of the viewers could be your next video idea.


The number of times visitors re-watch your video is referred to as the re-watches. If a lot of viewers are re-watching a specific segment of your video, it's likely that they're interested in the topic your video is addressing at the time. These ideas can serve as inspiration for your future video strategy. This information can be found in the absolute audience retention graph. Rising curves in the graph typically imply re-watches.

Engagement Metrics

Understanding what material relates with a target audience is just as crucial as increasing the reach of your client's content on YouTube. Let’s look at the Engagement metrics on YouTube.

Watch Time

This critical KPI assists you in determining how well your videos deliver on their promise of providing content worth watching. Simply, long average watch times signal success and show that people are engaged with your video.

Low watched videos in this category indicate that something isn't working and you need to re think and work on it.


Likes and comments can provide you with immediate and thorough feedback on how your audience reacts to your material. You may use the Top videos portion of the Engagement section to check your best-performing videos and review their individual like/dislike ratios as well as the comment in the comment areas.

High level of engagement in your video through likes, comments, shares, clicking on your videos means you are doing great work, however keep an eye on the dislike section as well. Know what lead your audience to dislike that video.

Demographics & Location

You should also know the age, gender, location of your audience. The age and gender will tell you who your audience are, what kind of content they are liking and what you can show them in future. Knowing where your viewers are located is another essential measure that can help you identify where the majority of your audience is coming from. You can schedule the time of the videos for them.

Impression & CTR

Impressions are the number of times your video has been seen by a viewer. CTR, on the other hand, indicates the percentage of impressions that become views: how many people who saw your thumbnail clicked on it.

If your impressions are poor, it suggests you need to improve your keyword optimization in order to get your video in front of more audience. If you have a high number of impressions but a low CTR, it could suggest that your keywords aren't matching your users' search intent. It could also indicate that anything in your title, description, or thumbnail isn't connecting with viewers.


Tracking these 10 indicators will provide you with tremendous insight into your YouTube channel and help you to make decisions that will allow you to develop the channel easily.

YouTube is more than 15 years old and from that year, it is constantly increasing and getting more and more audience. It’s a no brainer that creating a great YouTube channel takes a lot of work, whether you're doing it for your company or clients or for yourself.

One of the most crucial elements of expanding a channel, other from planning, producing, and editing new videos, is keeping up with YouTube metrics and statistics. This article is divided into 3 metrics under which there are few metrics to understand.

Channel Metric

It gives a high-level overview of the popularity and the growth of your client's YouTube account. Here are the metrics to pay attention to-


Subscribers are the most important thing a person should focus on. Subscriber means everything. A video is eventually successful if it raises your subscriber count. Additionally, a higher subscriber count increases the views, content and engagement for long term if they are actually interested in your videos.

Popular Videos

In order to analyze which content or video is helpful for your channel you need to identify the top 5 videos. This will help you to understand what kind of content you have to post on YouTube, what your audience is engaging to.  You should aim for as many views, comments, and likes as possible for your client's video.

Reach Metrics

Reach is also an important factor when taking your videos into consideration. Let’s look at what reach metrics offer.


Views are important for your videos. You know that you are at the right path when you see the views of your videos are increasing. If they are not increasing the way they could, then you need to re-think on your marketing strategy, your YouTube content and quality of your videos.

Traffic Sources

One should know that from where the traffic is coming in their videos. It helps you to identify that if they are coming from YouTube Search, Playlists, Browsing or suggested video.

You can target the growth areas. Suppose if your video is found by the user by search then you should know the reason why it’s not been found from suggestions for upper ranking etc.

Audience Retention

The percentage of people who watch your video till the very end is audience retention rate. The retention rate of the audience should be high.

Because the videos are so good at grabbing viewers attention, YouTube promotes them in search rankings and suggestion lists. Your future video idea can benefit by understanding the audience retention. The most interesting section of your video which grabbed attention of the viewers could be your next video idea.


The number of times visitors re-watch your video is referred to as the re-watches. If a lot of viewers are re-watching a specific segment of your video, it's likely that they're interested in the topic your video is addressing at the time. These ideas can serve as inspiration for your future video strategy. This information can be found in the absolute audience retention graph. Rising curves in the graph typically imply re-watches.

Engagement Metrics

Understanding what material relates with a target audience is just as crucial as increasing the reach of your client's content on YouTube. Let’s look at the Engagement metrics on YouTube.

Watch Time

This critical KPI assists you in determining how well your videos deliver on their promise of providing content worth watching. Simply, long average watch times signal success and show that people are engaged with your video.

Low watched videos in this category indicate that something isn't working and you need to re think and work on it.


Likes and comments can provide you with immediate and thorough feedback on how your audience reacts to your material. You may use the Top videos portion of the Engagement section to check your best-performing videos and review their individual like/dislike ratios as well as the comment in the comment areas.

High level of engagement in your video through likes, comments, shares, clicking on your videos means you are doing great work, however keep an eye on the dislike section as well. Know what lead your audience to dislike that video.

Demographics & Location

You should also know the age, gender, location of your audience. The age and gender will tell you who your audience are, what kind of content they are liking and what you can show them in future. Knowing where your viewers are located is another essential measure that can help you identify where the majority of your audience is coming from. You can schedule the time of the videos for them.

Impression & CTR

Impressions are the number of times your video has been seen by a viewer. CTR, on the other hand, indicates the percentage of impressions that become views: how many people who saw your thumbnail clicked on it.

If your impressions are poor, it suggests you need to improve your keyword optimization in order to get your video in front of more audience. If you have a high number of impressions but a low CTR, it could suggest that your keywords aren't matching your users' search intent. It could also indicate that anything in your title, description, or thumbnail isn't connecting with viewers.


Tracking these 10 indicators will provide you with tremendous insight into your YouTube channel and help you to make decisions that will allow you to develop the channel easily.

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